Nursery rhymes with lyrics and music.

Good Habits Song

Nursery Rhyme Good Habits Song with Lyrics and Music

Good Habits Song - Nursery rhyme - Music, tune and lyrics

Teach your kids good habits - by singing a kozy song... Sounds to good to be true, right? But give the Good Habits Song a try!

Sing this song for your children in the morning, when the jump out of bed. Why not dance while you are singing too? This will kick-start your day. Good luck!

Well... How was the Good Habits Song tune again? Take it easy - we will help you! You can listen to "Good Habits Song" at the bottom of this page...

Good Habits Song - Lyrics
Brush, brush, brush your teeth,
easly in the morning!
Take, take, take your bath,
early in the morning!
Comb, comb, comb your hair,
early in the morning!
Drink, drink, drink your milk,
early in the morning!
Go, go, go to school,
early in the morning!

Brush, brush, brush your teeth,
easly in the morning!
Take, take, take your bath,
early in the morning!
Comb, comb, comb your hair,
early in the morning!
Drink, drink, drink your milk,
early in the morning!
Go, go, go to school,
early in the morning!
Good Habits Song Music/Video

Press the play-icon below to listen to nursery rhyme "Good Habits Song". Sing along, and remember to do all the important stuff! :)

YOUR Experiences With Good Habits Song

How do YOU use the Good Habits Song? Do you use the song for special occasions? Have you maybe made a own version? Does it work? Please tell us all about it! :)