- Nursery Rhymes Lyrics and Music
Rain on the Green Grass Rain on the Green Grass lyrics and music  

Rain on the Green Grass - lyrics and music

Rain on the Green Grass is short but popular nursery rhyme about rain. This rhyme is perfect to sing when the rain is pouring down outside. Enjoy - and remember that it is fun to play in the rain if you have a raincoat on - or an umbrella...

Recommended by Not sure about the tune? Don`t worry - you can listen to Rain on the Green Grass at the bottom of this page.

Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the housetop,
But not on me.
Recommended by Listen to Rain on the Green Grass - for free!
Listen to "the weather song" Rain on the Green Grass. Enjoy!
Nursery rhymes music

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