Transport & Travel Nursery Rhymes

Cars, planes, boats, vans, trains, busses... Kids love them! So why not sing a song about transportation and travelling together? You will find popular songs and rhymes about travelling and transportation below. These rhymes can be sung anytime and anywhere, but don't miss out when actually travelling! :)
Recommended Nursery Rhymes Transportation and Travelling:
Daisy Bell | Cute nursery rhyme about marriage (and a bicycle made for two). |
I Saw a Ship A-Sailing | Nursery rhyme that is great for kids' creativity. |
I've Been Working On the Railroad | Kids love trains. So singing a nursery rhyme about building railroads should be perfect! This rhyme is an old american folk song. |
London Bridge is Falling Down | Popular nursery rhyme and singing game about famous London Bridge. |
Row Row Row Your Boat | "Row" your boat while you are singing! |
Sailing, Sailing | Nursery rhyme about sailing. |
The Skye Boat Song | Beautiful Scottish folk song that is often used as a lullaby. |
The Wheels On The Bus | Very popular nursery rhyme about the bus. Perfect to sing while travelling with bus. |