World's Hardest Tongue Twister
Try World's hardest tongue twister - now!

Tongue twisters are great fun. But they can also be difficult. And the discussion on which one that actually is the hardest is quite usual. But now the discussion is closed. Psychologists at MIT claim they have found the world's hardest tongue twister! So, are you ready?
What they claim is the hardest tongue twister is a short but – yeah – really hard one!
Want more? See all tongue twisters!
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold...
...and so on! How many times can you say it?
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold...
...and so on! How many times can you say it?
YOUR Experiences With Pad Kid Poured Curd Pulled Cold
How fast did you say it? How many times? Do you know any harder tongue twisters? Please tell us all about it! :)